Constellations, stars, planets - How to find a constellation? Online map of the starry sky
Constellations, stars, planets - How to find a constellation?
The ancient Egyptians believed that the drawings of the constellations are messages from the gods, you only need to learn how to understand them correctly.
Johannes Kepler, who discovered the laws of planetary motion, believed all his life that planets, the sun and stars are living things and endowed with intelligence
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Perseus Constellation in Pictures

The Perseus Constellation (Perseus) - the head of the constellation group of the same name does not shine bright stars, and the corner area is the fifteenth constellation of the Northern sky, and among all the celestial constellations (nebosphere) Perseus occupies 24th place (615 square degrees), slightly ahead of the constellation Cassiopaea.
The Milky Way passes through the Perseus constellation, and many of its stars are illuminated by a mysterious foggy light.
See drawings and schemes of the article: Illustrations for the page: Perseus Constellation (Per)
Cygnus Constellation in Pictures
Cygnus Constellation
(Cygnus) is the most northern constellation Hercules family [1] is the eighth largest constellation of the Northern sky, and among the constellations of the entire celestial sphere (nebosphere), Cygnus takes 16th place (804 square degrees), slightly ahead of the constellation Taurus.
The Milky Way passes through the middle of the Cygnus constellation and, as it were, depicts turbulent air jets created by the flight of a bird whose wings seem to obscure the sky.
See drawings and schemes of the article: Illustrations for the page: Cygnus Constellation (Cyg)
Aries Constellation in Pictures
The constellation Aries (♈ Aries) among the constellations of the zodiac group [1] by the size of the angular area occupies eleventh place - only the constellation Capricorn is smaller. Among the constellations of the entire celestial sphere (nebosphere), Aries is the 39th largest, and among the constellations of the Northern Hemisphere it occupies 24th place (889 sq. Ha.) After the constellation of Veronica's Hair. The line of the celestial equator runs almost 10 ° below the Aries constellation, and the ecliptic line cuts off a relatively small rectangular triangle in the southern part of the constellation (Fig. 2), so Aries is the northern ecliptic constellation [2] . Aries constellation is bordered by five constellations - this is Taurus , Perseus, Triangle, Pisces and Whale.
See drawings and schemes of the article: Illustrations for the page: Aries Constellation (Ari)
Lyra Constellation in Pictures
The constellation Lyra (Lyra) is the most multifaceted constellation of the Hercules Family [1], although it ranks sixth in terms of angular area.
What kind of images were not placed on the section of the starry sky corresponding to the constellation Lyra - these are: and the edge of the wing of a huge mythical bird; and an eagle; and a vulture; and a falcon; and the iron-billed Stigfali bird; a turtle and even a ram, in addition, in the last millennia, they tried to place various stringed instruments here, mainly modifications of the lyre and harp.
Lyra belongs to the group of small constellations. In the areal ranking of the entire celestial sphere (sky), Lyra is fifty-second (52nd place), and among the constellations of the Northern Hemisphere, she occupies twenty-sixth place (286 square meters) after the constellation Coma Veronica.
See drawings and schemes of the article: Illustrations for the page: Lyra Constellation (Lyr)
Aquila Constellation in Pictures
The constellation Aquila (Aql) is the most ancient constellation of the Hercules group,[1]- more than 3000 years ago, the Ancient Babylonians represented the image of the Aquila in the pattern of the stars of the constellation.
The line of the celestial equator divides the constellation Aquila into two unequal parts, most of which belongs to the Northern Hemisphere, so it can be classified as a northern equatorial constellation.
In the areal ranking of the entire celestial sphere the Aquila is twenty-second (22nd place), and among the constellations of the Northern Hemisphere it takes the thirteenth place (652 sq. degrees) after the constellation Auriga.
The constellation Aquila borders on nine constellations - this is Sagitta, Hercules, Ophiuchus, Serpens Cauda, Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius and Delphinus.
See drawings and schemes of the article: Illustrations for the page: Aquila Constellation (Aql)
How to find Constellations
Ursa Major: How to find Ursa Major Constellation
Ursa Minor: How to find Ursa Minor Constellation
Cassiopeia: How to find Cassiopeia Constellation
Cygnus: How to find Cygnus constellation
Boötes: How to find Bootes constellation
Orion: How to find the constellation Orion
Virgo: How to find Virgo constellation
Aries: How to find Aries constellation
Taurus: How to find the constellation Taurus
Lyra: How to find the constellation Lyra
Aquila: How to find the constellation Aquila
Sagittarius: How to find the constellation Sagittarius
Zodiac constellations can be found using data on the time of the culmination:
Sun, Zodiac Constellations and Zodiac Signs of 2025
Sun, Zodiac Constellations and Zodiac Signs of 2024
Sun, Zodiac Constellations and Zodiac Signs of 2023
Sun, Zodiac Constellations and Zodiac Signs of 2022
Sun, Zodiac Constellations and Zodiac Signs of 2021
Sun, Zodiac Constellations and Zodiac Signs of 2020
Separate pages with illustrations:
Perseus constellation in the drawings
Cygnus constellation in the pictures
Aries constellation in the drawings
Lyra constellation in the pictures
Aquila constellation in the drawings
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