Aries Constellation - Illustrations
Aries Constellation in Pictures
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Fig. 1. Aries constellation, ♈, diagram
The constellation Aries (♈ Aries) among the constellations of the zodiac group [1] by the size of the angular area occupies eleventh place - only the constellation Capricorn is smaller. Among the constellations of the entire celestial sphere (nebosphere), Aries is the 39th largest, and among the constellations of the Northern Hemisphere it occupies 24th place (889 sq. Ha.) After the constellation of Veronica's Hair. The line of the celestial equator runs almost 10 ° below the Aries constellation, and the ecliptic line cuts off a relatively small rectangular triangle in the southern part of the constellation (Fig. 2), so Aries is the northern ecliptic constellation [2] . Aries constellation is bordered by five constellations - this is Taurus , Perseus, Triangle, Pisces and Whale.
Currently, the Sun passes through the constellation Aries from April 19 to May 14 (25 days, average dates) , so Aries (Aries ♈) takes eighth place along the length of the cut-off segment of the ecliptic, one day ahead of the constellation Aquarius.
Aries stars and chart
The boundaries of the constellation and most of the visible stars are presented in Figure 2 - a view of the Aries constellation at the time of climax (from this perspective it is customary to represent constellations in astronomy) :
Fig. 2. Aries constellation. Historically established and approved by the IAU (IAU) names of Aries stars.

Fig. 2.1 Aries constellation - Aries stars.
In our mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, a dim set of stars, creating a picture of the constellation Aries, can only be seen under particularly favorable conditions. The constellation is best seen at the moment of climax, based on this position and we are building a drawing that is easiest to see in the northern sky:
Fig. 3 Aries constellation, simplified drawing of Aries stars, large 5th magnitude, - "butting lamb." Asterism "Sign of Aries" (Aries ♈)
Schematic visualization of Aries by stars, presented in Fig. 3 , is used to depict the constellation Aries on the planetarium map: " Starry sky of Russia ."

Fig . 4 Constellation Aries. Scheme.
Our own version of the Aries star chart (outline image).
In Fig. 5. options for the circuits of the constellation Aries are presented - graphic images from lines connecting the stars:
Fig. 5.1 Aries: Aries constellation diagrams - Hans Augustost Rey diagram
Fig. 5.2 Schemes of the constellation Aries: Aries - Scheme C. Ov
Fig. 5.3 Aries constellation patterns: Aries, Michelet B (Michelet B
Fig. 5.4 Aries: Pterosaurus constellation patterns
Fig. 5.5 Aries constellation patterns: Aries star designations
The pterosaur, of course, does not fit the role of the zodiac animal: you can’t write it down even in the "great-foot and mouth" Aries lamb, but the very ability to get such an image sets up a fantasy flight!
Especially for students in grade 2 preparing reports on the constellations (students from grade 3 to grade 11 may also come in handy):
In our northern edges, the Aries stars in the sky are quite difficult to see completely, since the zodiac constellations do not rise high above the horizon, and the dim stars of the lower part of the Aries constellation are often lost in the haze. Therefore, the best way to initially study Aries constellation is to carefully view and remember the location of the stars in the image of the starry sky.
Gradually, we begin to accumulate a gallery of portraits of the stars of large and small cats: Leo - in the constellation Leo; Kitten Woof in Perseus; Star Cat (fig. 6.4) and Star Cat (fig. 7) in the Swan.
This is this growing gallery, which prompted the idea:
- What if star cats are hiding in each constellation?
Now we will test this idea in the further description of the constellations and thereby try to prove, so to speak, the theorem "On the habits of star cats and cats . "
In each large enough constellation "Star Cat" may lie
And for those who are familiar with Lewis Carroll's fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" the following axiom
will be clear : In any constellation, you can find traces of the smile of the Cheshire Cat .
In the constellation Aries, the theorem was confirmed only by turning the constellation upside down (Fig. 6). If you look at the constellation Aries, turning in the direction to the north, you can see a cunning cat from the famous cartoon, who was very surprised to find himself in heaven.

Fig. 6.1. A schematic drawing from the stars of the constellation Aries: Star Cat and its prototype - Black Cat from the animated film "Kitten named Woof" ("this cat can be repainted in red color ...")
Fig. 6.2. Star Cat Schematic
Fig. 6.3 Schematic drawing of the stars of the constellation Aries: Star Cat repainted in red
If you look at the stars of the constellation Aries from east to west, you can imagine the image of a hero from another cartoon, "Mowgli" - this is Kaa boa (Fig. 7), though its outline here is very similar to a big thick worm ...

Fig. 7.1. Drawing from the stars of the constellation Aries: Kaa constrictor from the cartoon "Mowgli"
Fig. 7. Schematic drawing of the stars of the constellation Aries: Boa constrictor.
Looking at this picture, it is appropriate to recall the dialogue of Kaa with Panther Baghera about banderlogs.
So they called me yellow fish?
Yes! Yes! Fish! And a worm! Earthworm!
When looking at the constellation from west to east, you can see not only the image of a boa constrictor, but also the images of the stone Head of Moai from Easter Island and the golden Lamb, the embodied bearer of the legendary Golden Fleece (Fig. 8).
In Fig. 8. variants of schemes from the stars of the constellation Aries are presented when viewed from east to west - graphic images from lines connecting bright stars:
Fig. 8.1. Scheme from the stars of the constellation Aries: Golden-Fleece Lamb, scheme S. Ov
Fig. 8.2. Scheme from the stars of the constellation Aries: Moai - Stone Head on Easter Island
Fig. 8.3. Scheme from the stars of the constellation Aries: Boa Kaa, from the cartoon Mowgli.
Fig. 8.4. Bayer designations of the stars of the constellation Aries
If you look at the constellation Aries in the "upside down" position, then you can mentally draw not only the image of the Star Cat, but also a whole collection of aircraft.
In Fig. 9. presents variants of schemes from the stars of the constellation Aries when viewed from north to south - drawings from lines connecting the stars:
Fig. 9.1. Scheme from the stars of the constellation Aries: Star Cat, scheme S. Ow
Fig. 9.2. The scheme from the stars of the constellation Aries: Hang glider, scheme S. Ov
Fig. 9.3. The scheme of the stars of the constellation Aries: Starship, scheme S. Ov
Fig. 9.4. The scheme of the stars of the constellation Aries: Diving Starship, scheme S. Ov
Fig. 9.5. Bayer designations of the stars of the constellation Aries
Aries Asterisms
Fig. 10. Aries of the constellation Aries:

Fig. 10.1. Asterisms Sign Aries, Fly and Al Botain (Kurdyuk)
Fig. 10.2. asterism royal lily or fleur-de-lis
Fig. 10.4. Bayer designations of the stars of the constellation Aries
How to find Aries constellation
Fig. 11. How to find the constellation Aries using the stars of Cassiopeia and Andromeda
Fig. 12. Estimation of the angular size of the constellation Aries with outstretched arms.
The angular size of the schematic image of Aries is slightly larger than the angular size of Cassiopeia's W-asterism and is approximately 20 °. The angular distance between the thumb and index finger of a person’s outstretched arm, normal physique, is 16-18 ° (regardless of gender and age from 7 years).
History and mythology of the constellation Aries
Fig. 13. The boundary stone Meli-Shihu (1180 BC), a fragment of a Capricorn and a ram's head B (Kudurru Meli-Shipak II, Louvre )
Fig. 14. Aries constellation in the Book of the Fixed Stars by Al-Sufi (Al Sufi. Book of the constellations, or fixed stars. - Bodleian copy: Suwar al-Kawakib al-Thabitah (Book of fixed Stars) - a copy written by the son of as- Sufi in 1009 in Iran).
Fig. 15. Aries constellation - a collage based on a picture in the atlas of Jan Hevelius (the stars highlighted within the Aries figure are white, an orange mark indicates a group of stars, which in our time refers to the constellation Aries, and in the time of Hevelius, many astronomers for some reason tried "immortalize" the Fly).
Sergey Ov (Seosnews9)
Illustrations for the article: Illustrations for the page: Aries Constellation, Aries (Ari), eleventh constellation of the Zodiac.
Separate pages with illustrations:
Perseus constellation in the drawings
Cygnus constellation in the pictures
Aries constellation in the drawings
Lyra constellation in the pictures
Aquila constellation in the drawings
1. The Zodiac includes constellations, after which the zodiac signs are named , with the exception of the constellation Libra, which, on the contrary, was created in accordance with the zodiac sign, mainly due to the stars of the constellation Scorpio. The following constellations are included in the Zodiac family: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer.
Google translator, April 2020
2. Asterism - a group of stars, forming a characteristic pattern and having an independent name. Asterism can be as part of a constellation, for example, Tron, and combine several constellations, for example, the Summer Triangle.
3. Navigation stars are the stars used in navigation and aviation to determine the position of ships and airplanes in the event of a technical failure. Currently, the stars listed in the “Marine Astronomical Yearbook” are classified as navigational.
4. The photosphere is the deepest and densest layers of the star's atmosphere (including the Sun), from which the main share of the energy emitted by it comes out.
5. Right ascension and declination - the name of the coordinates in the second equatorial frame of reference
6. The proper motions of stars — the apparent angular displacements of stars in the celestial sphere for the year.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3 ed. 1969 - 1978
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