Drawings and schemes: How to find Aries constellation
How to find Aries constellation
"The ancient Egyptians believed that the drawings of the constellations are messages from the gods, you only need to learn how to understand them correctly."
Google translator 2020, April, original text: How to find Aries Constellation (Russian)

Fig. 1. Aries constellation, ♈, diagram
Aries constellation at the latitude of Moscow can be observed in whole or in part from June to March. The best time for a detailed examination of the constellation Aries is the period from September to February inclusive.
The constellation Aries during the culmination is located directly under the easily recognizable constellation Cassiopeia, however, the two constellations Triangulum and Andromeda separate them from each other.
Unfortunately, none of the lines of sight through the bright stars of Cassiopeia leads directly to the brightest stars of Aries (Fig. 11), only one passing through Caph (β Cas; 2.27m) and Schedar (α Cas; 2.24m ), passing through the star Almach (γ1 And; 2.1m) of the constellation Andromeda leads to the third brightest Aries star - Bharani (41 Ari, 3.61m):
Fig. 2. How to find the constellation Aries using the stars of Cassiopeia and Andromeda
The main line of sight of Figure 2 is the red line , based on the stars Caph (β Cas) and Schedar (α Cas) of the constellation Cassiopeia.
But a direct hit in the Aries stars along this line, alas, will not work. At first, in the neighboring constellation Andromeda, this line almost touches the not very bright, but noticeable Nembus (51 And; 3.51 m ), then it will definitely fall into Almach (γ1 And). And only if we continue the yellow line about the same distance further, then we will come to a similar to Nembus in brightness, but bluish star Bharani (41 Ari).
Sighting along the red line allows you to immediately find out: Is Aries currently hidden behind the horizon?
If you are looking for the Aries constellation for the first time, it is best to try to immediately find the brightest Aries star - Hamal (α Ari, 2.0 m ) , for this, following the red line, you need to stop at the star Almach and remember its position. The next step is to draw a line of sight from the star Segin (ε Cas, 3.37 m ) to Almach a (yellow line) and the continuation of this line will lead to Alpha Aries Hamal.
If you already have experience observing the starry sky, then it is easiest to look for Aries stars based on the Pleiades star cluster - it is unique and recognizable, like the Big Dipper (Plough) and Cassiopeia W-Asterism. Having found the Pleiades, we look to the right of them Hamal and Sheratan .
Another way to detect Aries stars is that the Aries constellation is zodiacal and the Moon passes through it. You only need to find out the schedule of the Earth’s satellite (the Moon is a guide to the constellations ) and plan to study the constellation when the Moon is on the way or already passes through it (when the Moon in the constellation itself can’t see its stars, most likely, because it acts as a light screen) .
Now it remains only to correctly determine the angular dimensions of the constellation Aries. In Figure 3, the constellation is shown in that position, so it can be seen above the head in an autumn or winter evening, turning south or southeast.
Fig. 3. Estimation of the angular size of Aries constellation with outstretched arm.
The angular size of the schematic image of Aries is slightly larger than the angular size of Cassiopeia's W-asterism and is approximately 20°. The angular distance between the thumb and index finger of a person’s outstretched arm, normal physique, is 16-18° (regardless of gender and age from 7 years).
Sergey Ov (Seosnews9): Овен, Aries (Ari), eleventh constellation of the Zodiac
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1. The Zodiac includes constellations, after which the zodiac signs are named , with the exception of the constellation Libra, which, on the contrary, was created in accordance with the zodiac sign, mainly due to the stars of the constellation Scorpio. The following constellations are included in the Zodiac family: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer.
Zodiac signs
✔ How to find Aries constellation