Those people whose birthday falls on the 20th-23rd of the month need accurate data on the date of the transition of the Sun from one zodiac sign to another, in order to know under what zodiac sign the Sun was when they were born ...

Google translator 2021, original text: Sun and Zodiac Signs - exact Dates of 2025 (Russian)



Sun and Zodiac Signs of 2025

Year of the Green Snake - 2025Moments of transition of the Sun from one zodiac sign to another is determined by the time of alignment of the geometric center of the luminary with the ecliptic longitude multiple of 30 °.
These dates do not agree with the earth's daily cycle and change from year to year, due to the fact that the duration of the astronomical year is not equal to a whole number of days (365.256 days), as well as the fact that the Earth and the Moon, when rotating around the Sun, represent a binary system, the center whose mass does not coincide with the center of the Earth.

To determine the moments of these events, a table has been compiled, which gives their exact date * - the date, month and time of the Sun's entry into the zodiac signs for 2025.

Table 1. Dates of the transition of the Sun between the signs of the zodiac in 2025 (UTC):

Date Sun and zodiac signs 2025
19 January 2025
The sun enters the sign of Aquarius
18 February 2025
The sun enters the sign of Pisces
20 March 2025
Sun enters Aries
Vernal equinox
19 April 2025
The sun enters the sign of Taurus
20 May 2025
The sun enters the sign of Gemini
21 June, 2025
Sun Enters Cancer
Summer Solstice
22 July 2025
The sun enters the sign of Leo
22 August 2025
The sun enters the sign of Virgo
22 September 2025
Sun Enters Libra
Autumn Equinox
22 October 2025
The sun enters the sign of Scorpio
21 November 2025
The sun enters the sign of Sagittarius
21 December 2025
Sun Enters Capricorn Sign
Winter Solstice

Sun and the zodiac Constellations in 2025

Until the final approval of the constellation boundaries by the International Astronomical Union at the 1935 General Assembly, the table presented on this page simply could not exist, because previously the constellations did not have clearly defined boundaries

Table 2. Dates when the Sun crosses the boundaries of constellations zodiac belt in 2025(UTC):

Date Sun and constellations 2025
19 January 2025
Sun enters the constellation Capricornus
16 February 2025
The sun enters the constellation Aquarius
12 March 2025
The sun enters the constellation Pisces
18 April 2025
The sun enters the constellation Aries
14 May 2025
The sun enters the constellation Taurus
21 June 2025
The sun enters the constellation Gemini
20 July 2025
Sun enters the constellation Cancer
10 August 2025
The sun enters the constellation Leo
16 September 2025
The sun enters the constellation Virgo
31 October 2025
The sun enters the constellation Libra
23 November 2025
The sun enters the constellation Scorpius
29 November 2025
The sun enters the constellation Ophiuchus
18 December 2025
The sun enters the constellation Sagittarius

This page is in addition to the main article: Sun: occurrences of the zodiac, solstice, equinox - exact dates 2000-2025 (Russian)


he Culmination of the zodiacal Constellations in 2025

The zodiac constellations are by no means lined up along the ecliptic in a strict line, therefore, two constellations can often fall into the culmination area, therefore, two dates are given in the table - the start and end dates of the culmination of each constellation..

Table 3. Dates of the culmination of the zodiacal constellations in 2025

Start Completion The culmination of the zodiac constellations
December 23, 2025 January 24, 2025 The culmination of the constellation Gemini
January 20, 2025 February 12, 2025
The culmination of the constellation Cancer
February 13, 2025 March 22nd
The culmination of the constellation Leo
March 18th
May 10,
The culmination of the constellation Virgo
April 27, 2025 May 23
The climax of the constellation Libra
May 18,
June 21st
The culmination of the constellation Scorpius
June 18th
July 30th
The culmination of the constellation Sagittarius
July 25th
August 21, 2025
The climax of the constellation Capricornus
August 02, 2025 September 21, 2025 The culmination of the constellation Aquarius
September 04, 2025 October 23, 2025
The culmination of the constellation Pisces
October 19, 2025 November 14, 2025 The culmination of the constellation Aries
November 12, 2025 December 22, 2025 The culmination of the constellation Taurus
December 22, 2025 January 23, 2025 The culmination of the constellation Gemini


Sun, zodiac constellations and zodiac signs summary table

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of the stay of the Sun in the Signs of the zodiac and its stay in the same zodiac constellations - this is far from the same thing.

Zodiac signs - this is just a well-established since ancient times, the designation of conditional 30° sectors of the celestial sphere (All the mystery of such a division of the celestial sphere would be lost if the sector would just be numbered. Imagine: instead of dialogue: - "What sign were you born under?" - " lion", - would sound: " In what sector was the Sun at the time of Your birth?" - " in the fifth!":) .

Constellations, on the other hand, are certain sections of the celestial sphere whose boundaries are now clearly defined, agreed upon and accepted as the basis for orientation by the celestial sphere by astronomers of the whole world. The time of the observed passage of the sun, within the boundaries of a particular constellation, is called the time it was in the constellation. The boundaries of the zodiac constellations and zodiac sectors do not coincide at all (although at the beginning of our era, 2000 years ago, they were close to each other). In the table below, the average dates of the Sun's stay in the zodiac sectors (zodiac signs) and zodiac constellations are presented.

Table 4. Signs of the zodiac, their designations, periods of passage by the sun of the zodiac sectors and zodiac constellations


Sign> Aries

Aries Sun
March 21 - April 20
Sun in the constellation
April 18 - May 14
Taurus Taurus The sun in Taurus,
April 21 - May 21
Sun in the constellation
May 14 - June 21
Twins Gemini Sun in the sign of Gemini,
              May 22 - June 21
Sun in the constellation
June 21 - July 20
Cancer Cancer Sun in Cancer,
              June 22 - July 22
Sun in the constellation
              July 20 - August 11
Leo  Sign Leo Sun in the sign of Leo,
July 23 - August 23
Sun in the constellation
              August 11 — September 17
Virgo Virgo Sun in the sign of Virgo,
August 24 — September 22
Sun in the constellation
              September 17 — October 31
Scales Scales Sun in Libra,
September 23 - October 22
Sun in the constellation
October 31 - November 22
Scorpio Scorpio Sun in the sign
            October 23 - November 22
Sun in the constellation
November 22 - November 30


Sun in the sign of Sagittarius,
              November 23 — December 21
Sun in the constellation
December 18 - January 19
Capricorn Capricorn Sun in the sign Capricorn,
December 22 - January 20
Sun in the constellation
January 19 - February 16
Aquarius Aquarius Sun in the sign of Aquarius,
January 21 - February 19
Sun in the constellation
February 16 - March 12
Fish Fish Sun in the sign of Pisces,
February 20 - March 20
Sun in the constellation
March 12 - April 18


* Modern official astronomy has long ceased to be involved in calculating the visual movement of the Sun across the zodiac sectors, so I believe that the accuracy of the interpolation formulas I have chosen is ± 2-3 minutes.