Perseus Constellation - Illustrations
Perseus Constellation in Pictures
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Google translator 2018, original text: Созвездие Персей в рисунках

The Perseus Constellation (Perseus) - the head of the constellation group of the same name does not shine bright stars, and the corner area is the fifteenth constellation of the Northern sky, and among all the celestial constellations (nebosphere) Perseus occupies 24th place (615 square degrees), slightly ahead of the constellation Cassiopaea.
The Milky Way passes through the Perseus constellation, and many of its stars are illuminated by a mysterious foggy light.
Fig. 1. Perseus Constellation. Historically established names of the brightest and most conspicuous stars.

Fig. 1.1 Constellation Perseus. Stars of the constellation Perseus

Fig. 2. The constellation of Perseus. The diagram of the stars (contour image) of the mythological hero with a sword, a Gorgon head, a bag and flying sandals
Fig. 3. The scheme of the Perseus constellation from a set of the brightest stars. Perseus in a winged raincoat with a piercing-cutting weapon in both hands rushed to the attack on Cetus - a diagram of the stars (contour image)
Fig. 4.0 Perseus Constellation. Bayer star designations
Fig. 4. Variants of the Perseus constellation schemes, graphic images from the lines connecting the stars that fit into the mythological plot:
Fig. 4. 1. The kneeling Perseus
Fig. 4. 2. Perseus on a flying board - flyboard
Fig. 4. 3. Perseus, simplified scheme
Fig. 4. 4. Perseus, the main version
Fig. 5. Schematic drawings created for the culminating position of the Perseus constellation
Fig. 5.1.Perseus, H. Ray scheme
Fig. 5.2. Perseus, Meshle scheme
Fig. 5.3. Sailor in Persey
Fig. 5.4. Perseus constellation diagram from Sergey Ov
Perseus Asterisms
Fig. 6. Attributes of Perseus - asterisms depicting items of equipment of the hero, based on the ancient Greek myth of Perseus.
Fig. 6. 1. Attributes of Perseus - asterisms and images of objects of equipment of the hero against the background of stars
Fig. 7. Asterism The star is an almost perfect geometric figure
Fig. 8. Schematic drawing of the stars of the Perseus constellation: Kitten or Little Dragon?
Fig. 8.1. Schematic drawing of the stars of the constellation Perseus: Little Dragon
Fig. 8.2.Conceptual drawing of the stars of the Perseus constellation: Kitten
Whom did the stars of Dragon Bezubik or Kitten Gav portrayed here? You can vote in our Forum for both the Whelpling and the Kitten - so we will eventually learn about the decision of the stars!
Kitten or Dragon?
Fig. 9. The Gorgon head and the Perseus Segment are classic Perseus asterisms
Fig. 9. Gorgon Head and Perseus Segment with Bayer Designations
How to find the constellation Perseus
Fig. 10. How to find the Perseus constellation using the stars of Cassiopeia
Fig. 11. How to find the constellation Perseus, its brightest stars, using the stars of the neighboring constellations
Fig. 12. Estimation of the angular size of the Perseus constellation using an outstretched arm
Galactic Perseus Arm
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, belongs to the type of spiral galaxy with a jumper. The computer model of our galaxy, developed by NASA, is presented in Figure 13:
Fig. 13. Milky Way Galaxy, image obtained as a result of computer modeling
The history and mythology of the Perseus constellation
Fig. 14. The Perseus Constellation in Al-Sufi’s Book of Fixed Stars (Al Sufi. Book of the constellations, or fixed stars.) - Bodleian copy: Suwar al-Kawakib al-Thabitah (Book of fixed Stars) - a copy written by the son of as- Sufi in 1009 in Iran)

Fig. 15. The Perseus Constellation - a collage based on a picture in the atlas of Jan Hevelius (only those stars that were listed by Hevelius himself in the atlas are highlighted)
Based on the page: Perseus Constellation
Sergey Ov (Seosnews9)
Separate pages with illustrations:
Perseus constellation in the drawings
Cygnus constellation in the pictures
Aries constellation in the drawings
Lyra constellation in the pictures
Aquila constellation in the drawings
Список примечательных и видимых звезд созвездия Персей
Обозначение звезды | Знак по Байеру | Hipparcos, номер | Прямое восхождение5 | Склонение5 | Звездная величина | Расстояние, св. год |
Спектральный класс | Название звезды и примечания |
Альфа Персея | α Per | 15863 | 03ч 24м 19,35c | +49° 51′ 40,5″ | 1,79 | 592 | F5Ib | Мирфак (Mirfak - IAU), Альгениб |
Бета Персея | β Per | 14576 | 03ч 08м 10,13c | +40° 57′ 20,3″ | 2,09 | 93 | B8V | Алголь (Algol - IAU), Горгонеа Прима, прототип затменных переменных |
Дзета Персея | ζ Per | 18246 | 03ч 54м 07,92c | +31° 53′ 01,2″ | 2,84 | 982 | B1Ib | Аттик, Менкхиб (Atik, Menkhib) |
Эпсилон Персея | ε Per | 18532 | 03ч 57м 51,22c | +40° 00′ 37,0″ | 2,90 | 538 | B0,5V | Адид Аустралис (Adid Australis), переменная типа β Цефея |
γ Персея | γ Per | 14328 | 03ч 04м 47,79c | +53° 30′ 23,2″ | 2,91 | 256 | G8III+A3V | Сеид, Альфакир (Al Fakhir, Seid); переменная типа Алголя |
δ Персея | δ Per | 17358 | 03ч 42м 55,48c | +47° 47′ 15,6″ | 3,01 | 528 | B5III SB | Базель, Адид Бореалис (Basel, Adid Borealis); переменная типа γ Кассиопеи |
ρ Персея | ρ Per | 14354 | 03ч 05м 10,50c | +38° 50′ 25,9″ | 3,32 | 325 | M3IIIvar | Горгонеа Терция (Gorgonea Tertia) |
η Персея | η Per | 13268 | 02ч 50м 41,79c | +55° 53′ 43,9″ | 3,77 | 1331 | K3Ib comp SB | Мирам (Miram - IAU) |
ν Персея | ν Per | 17529 | 03ч 45м 11,64c | +42° 34′ 42,8″ | 3,77 | 556 | F5IIvar | Адад, Адид Медиа (Adad, Adid Media) |
κ Персея | κ Per | 14668 | 03ч 09м 29,63c | +44° 51′ 28,4″ | 3,79 | 112 | K0III | Мисам (Misam - IAU) |
ο Персея | ο Per | 17448 | 03ч 44м 19,13c | +32° 17′ 17,8″ | 3,84 | 1475 | B1III | Атик (Atik - IAU), Атикс |
τ Персея | τ Per | 13531 | 02ч 54м 15,46c | +52° 45′ 45,0″ | 3,93 | 248 | G4III+A4V | переменная типа Алголя |
48 Персея | 48 Per | 19343 | 04ч 08м 39,67c | +47° 42′ 45,3″ | 3,96 | 553 | B3Ve | |
ξ Персея | ξ Per | 18614 | 03ч 58м 57,90c | +35° 47′ 27,7″ | 3,98 | 1772 | O7,5Iab: | Менкиб (Menkib - IAU) |
φ Персея | φ Per | 8068 | 01ч 43м 39,62c | +50° 41′ 19,6″ | 4,01 | 716 | B2Vpe | |
ι Персея | ι Per | 14632 | 03ч 09м 02,88c | +49° 36′ 48,6″ | 4,05 | 34 | G0V | близкая солнцеподобная звезда |
θ Персея | θ Per | 12777 | 02ч 44м 11,69c | +49° 13′ 43,2″ | 4,10 | 37 | F7V | |
μ Персея | μ Per | 19812 | 04ч 14м 53,86c | +48° 24′ 33,7″ | 4,12 | 723 | G0Ib… | |
16 Персея | 16 Per | 13254 | 02ч 50м 34,91c | +38° 19′ 08,1″ | 4,22 | 128 | F2III | |
λ Персея | λ Per | 19167 | 04ч 06м 35,06c | +50° 21′ 04,9″ | 4,25 | 346 | A0IVn | |
58 Персея | 58 Per | 21476 | 04ч 36м 41,43c | +41° 15′ 53,5″ | 4,25 | 642 | G8II comp | |
ψ Персея | ψ Per | 16826 | 03ч 36м 29,36c | +48° 11′ 33,7″ | 4,32 | 700 | B5Ve | Сеиф, Альсеиф (Seif, Alseiph) |
σ Персея | σ Per | 16335 | 03ч 30м 34,48c | +47° 59′ 42,6″ | 4,36 | 353 | K3III | |
17 Персея | 17 Per | 13328 | 02ч 51м 30,83c | +35° 03′ 35,6″ | 4,56 | 409 | K5III | |
HD 26961 | HD 26961 | 20070 | 04ч 18м 14,58c | +50° 17′ 44,3″ | 4,60 | 318 | A2V | |
ω Персея | ω Per | 14817 | 03ч 11м 17,40c | +39° 36′ 41,7″ | 4,61 | 305 | K1III | Горгонеа Кварта (Gorgonea Quarta) |
34 Персея | 34 Per | 16244 | 03ч 29м 22,03c | +49° 30′ 32,5″ | 4,67 | 558 | B3V | |
52 Персея | 52 Per | 19811 | 04ч 14м 53,31c | +40° 29′ 01,4″ | 4,67 | 627 | G5II comp | |
π Персея | π Per | 13879 | 02ч 58м 45,65c | +39° 39′ 46,2″ | 4,68 | 325 | A2Vn | Горгонеа Секунда (Gorgonea Secunda) |
HD 18970 | HD 18970 | 14382 | 03ч 05м 32,43c | +56° 42′ 20,0″ | 4,77 | 204 | K0II-III | |
53 Персея | 53 Per | 20354 | 04ч 21м 33,15c | +46° 29′ 56,3″ | 4,80 | 464 | B4IV | |
HD 20468 | HD 20468 | 15416 | 03ч 18м 43,82c | +34° 13′ 21,6″ | 4,85 | 1475 | K2II | |
1 Aur | 1 Aur | 22453 | 04ч 49м 54,67c | +37° 29′ 17,5″ | 4,89 | 528 | K4II | |
12 Персея | 12 Per | 12623 | 02ч 42м 14,93c | +40° 11′ 39,8″ | 4,91 | 80 | F9V | |
54 Персея | 54 Per | 20252 | 04ч 20м 24,66c | +34° 34′ 00,3″ | 4,93 | 226 | G8III | |
24 Персея | 24 Per | 13905 | 02ч 59м 03,71c | +35° 10′ 59,2″ | 4,94 | 350 | K2III | |
32 Персея | 32 Per | 15648 | 03ч 21м 26,61c | +43° 19′ 46,7″ | 4,96 | 155 | A3V | |
40 Персея | 40 Per | 17313 | 03ч 42м 22,64c | +33° 57′ 54,1″ | 4,97 | 924 | B0,5V | |
4 Персея | 4 Per | 9505 | 02ч 02м 18,07c | +54° 29′ 15,2″ | 4,99 | 739 | B8III | |
HD 21278 | 16147 | 03ч 28м 03,05c | +49° 03′ 46,6″ | 4,99 | 570 | B5V | ||
HD 20123 | 15219 | 03ч 16м 12,20c | +50° 56′ 15,8″ | 5,04 | 834 | G5II | ||
31 Персея | 31 Per | 15444 | 03ч 19м 07,62c | +50° 05′ 42,1″ | 5,05 | 481 | B5V | |
21 Персея | 21 Per | 13775 | 02ч 57м 17,28c | +31° 56′ 03,5″ | 5,10 | 387 | B9p… | |
42 Персея | 42 Per | 17886 | 03ч 49м 32,70c | +33° 05′ 29,0″ | 5,14 | 297 | A3V | |
9 Персея | 9 Per | 11060 | 02ч 22м 21,43c | +55° 50′ 44,4″ | 5,16 | 2050 | A2Ia | |
29 Персея | 29 Per | 15404 | 03ч 18м 37,72c | +50° 13′ 20,0″ | 5,16 | 528 | B3V | |
HD 18537 | 14043 | 03ч 00м 52,18c | +52° 21′ 06,5″ | 5,24 | 795 | B7V | ||
43 Персея | 43 Per | 18453 | 03ч 56м 36,44c | +50° 41′ 44,5″ | 5,28 | 133 | F5IV | |
HD 27971 | 20704 | 04ч 26м 06,26c | +31° 26′ 21,1″ | 5,29 | 243 | K1III | ||
36 Персея | 36 Per | 16499 | 03ч 32м 26,30c | +46° 03′ 25,4″ | 5,30 | 119 | F4IIIvar | |
59 Персея | 59 Per | 21928 | 04ч 42м 54,30c | +43° 21′ 55,0″ | 5,30 | 271 | A1Vn | |
HD 20809 | 15770 | 03ч 23м 13,18c | +49° 12′ 48,0″ | 5,32 | 625 | B5V | ||
20 Персея | 20 Per | 13490 | 02ч 53м 42,58c | +38° 20′ 15,6″ | 5,34 | 235 | F4Vvar | |
HD 24504 | 18396 | 03ч 55м 58,16c | +47° 52′ 17,3″ | 5,39 | 845 | B6V | ||
14 Персея | 14 Per | 12768 | 02ч 44м 05,16c | +44° 17′ 49,4″ | 5,43 | 692 | G0Ib | |
HD 27084 | 20156 | 04ч 19м 13,18c | +50° 02′ 55,8″ | 5,46 | 259 | A7V | ||
HD 18474 | 13965 | 02ч 59м 49,78c | +47° 13′ 14,3″ | 5,47 | 557 | G4p | ||
HD 21699 | 16470 | 03ч 32м 08,58c | +48° 01′ 24,7″ | 5,47 | 585 | B8IIIp Mn | ||
30 Персея | 30 Per | 15338 | 03ч 17м 47,33c | +44° 01′ 30,3″ | 5,49 | 644 | B8V… | |
HD 24640 | 18434 | 03ч 56м 28,69c | +35° 04′ 51,3″ | 5,49 | 970 | B1,5V | ||
50 Персея | 50 Per | 19335 | 04ч 08м 36,49c | +38° 02′ 24,8″ | 5,52 | 70 | F7V | |
1 Персея | 1 Per | 8704 | 01ч 51м 59,31c | +55° 08′ 50,7″ | 5,53 | 1028 | B1,5V | |
HD 22780 | 17203 | 03ч 41м 07,84c | +37° 34′ 49,0″ | 5,55 | 807 | B7Vn | ||
HD 27192 | 20234 | 04ч 20м 11,51c | +50° 55′ 15,4″ | 5,55 | 1190 | B1,5IV | ||
HD 21362 | 16210 | 03ч 28м 52,31c | +49° 50′ 54,4″ | 5,58 | 553 | B6Vn | ||
HD 23193 | 17460 | 03ч 44м 31,40c | +36° 27′ 36,7″ | 5,60 | 332 | A2m | ||
HD 23838 | 17932 | 03ч 50м 04,45c | +44° 58′ 04,5″ | 5,65 | 346 | G2III… | ||
HD 12953 | 9990 | 02ч 08м 40,58c | +58° 25′ 25,0″ | 5,66 | 1821 | A1Ia | ||
HD 23300 | 17584 | 03ч 45м 59,25c | +45° 40′ 55,0″ | 5,66 | 1038 | B6V | ||
HD 29526 | 21823 | 04ч 41м 24,09c | +48° 18′ 03,6″ | 5,66 | 311 | A0V | ||
2 Персея | 2 Per | 8714 | 01ч 52м 09,35c | +50° 47′ 34,3″ | 5,70 | 492 | B9p… | |
3 Персея | 3 Per | 9222 | 01ч 58м 33,50c | +49° 12′ 15,3″ | 5,70 | 246 | K0IV | |
HD 21402 | 16168 | 03ч 28м 20,68c | +33° 48′ 27,7″ | 5,72 | 343 | A2V | ||
55 Персея | 55 Per | 20579 | 04ч 24м 29,14c | +34° 07′ 51,0″ | 5,73 | 610 | B8V | |
8 Персея | 8 Per | 10718 | 02ч 17м 59,82c | +57° 53′ 59,3″ | 5,75 | 379 | K3III | |
HD 26311 | 19525 | 04ч 10м 59,02c | +33° 35′ 12,5″ | 5,75 | 548 | K1II-III | ||
11 Персея | 11 Per | 12692 | 02ч 43м 02,80c | +55° 06′ 21,9″ | 5,76 | 420 | B7IIIp… | |
HD 24240 | 18212 | 03ч 53м 38,67c | +48° 39′ 02,0″ | 5,76 | 430 | K0III | ||
56 Персея | 56 Per | 20591 | 04ч 24м 37,42c | +33° 57′ 35,6″ | 5,77 | 136 | F4V | |
HD 20995 | 15876 | 03ч 24м 29,68c | +33° 32′ 09,7″ | 5,78 | 527 | A0V | ||
HD 24131 | 18081 | 03ч 51м 53,72c | +34° 21′ 32,9″ | 5,78 | 1035 | B1V | ||
HD 20041 | 15192 | 03ч 15м 47,97c | +57° 08′ 26,3″ | 5,79 | 1614 | A0Ia | ||
HD 21912 | 16591 | 03ч 33м 35,02c | +39° 53′ 58,5″ | 5,79 | 178 | A5m | ||
HD 21551 | 16340 | 03ч 30м 36,93c | +48° 06′ 13,2″ | 5,82 | 869 | B8V | ||
HD 16735 | 12686 | 02ч 42м 59,47c | +53° 31′ 34,3″ | 5,85 | 413 | K0II-III | ||
HD 17656 | 13339 | 02ч 51м 41,75c | +46° 50′ 31,2″ | 5,86 | 397 | G8III | ||
HD 29721 | 21972 | 04ч 43м 21,60c | +49° 58′ 25,8″ | 5,86 | 640 | B9III | ||
HD 18482 | 13949 | 02ч 59м 39,87c | +41° 01′ 59,0″ | 5,89 | 780 | K2 | ||
HD 21856 | 16518 | 03ч 32м 40,02c | +35° 27′ 42,2″ | 5,91 | 1638 | B1V | ||
HD 19845 | 15004 | 03ч 13м 23,86c | +48° 10′ 37,2″ | 5,93 | 311 | G9III | ||
HD 20675 | 15669 | 03ч 21м 52,37c | +49° 04′ 15,8″ | 5,94 | 149 | F6V | ||
HD 23728 | 17846 | 03ч 49м 08,12c | +43° 57′ 46,9″ | 5,95 | 226 | A9IV | ||
HD 27278 | 20241 | 04ч 20м 14,42c | +41° 48′ 29,4″ | 5,95 | 346 | K0III | ||
HD 11151 | 8598 | 01ч 50м 57,09c | +51° 56′ 01,3″ | 5,96 | 145 | F5V | ||
HD 20346 | 15334 | 03ч 17м 45,74c | +39° 17′ 00,3″ | 5,97 | 607 | A2IV | ||
HD 29645 | 21847 | 04ч 41м 50,08c | +38° 16′ 49,5″ | 5,97 | 102 | G0V | ||
HD 20277 | 15241 | 03ч 16м 35,19c | +32° 11′ 03,2″ | 5,98 | 551 | G8IV | ||
7 Персея | χ Per | 10729 | 02ч 18м 04,60c | +57° 30′ 58,8″ | 5,99 | 710 | G7III | под «χ Персея» подразумевают NGC 884, рассеянное скопление |
HD 30138 | 22220 | 04ч 46м 44,47c | +40° 18′ 45,6″ | 5,99 | 443 | G9III | ||
HD 11031 | 8475 | 01ч 49м 15,56c | +47° 53′ 49,0″ | 6,01 | 331 | A3V | ||
HD 18155 | 13713 | 02ч 56м 33,30c | +47° 09′ 50,4″ | 6,05 | 1952 | K3III: | ||
HD 18339 | 13832 | 02ч 58м 02,33c | +38° 36′ 53,9″ | 6,06 | 1164 | K3III | ||
HD 19066 | 14365 | 03ч 05м 21,03c | +40° 34′ 55,9″ | 6,06 | 408 | K0III | ||
HD 23049 | 17437 | 03ч 44м 06,43c | +48° 31′ 25,3″ | 6,06 | 827 | K4III | ||
HD 20063 | 15118 | 03ч 14м 56,55c | +42° 30′ 13,0″ | 6,07 | 225 | K2III | ||
49 Персея | 49 Per | 19302 | 04ч 08м 15,46c | +37° 43′ 40,7″ | 6,07 | 144 | K1III | |
HD 21071 | 15988 | 03ч 25м 57,36c | +49° 07′ 15,0″ | 6,09 | 603 | B7V | ||
57 Персея | 57 Per | 21242 | 04ч 33м 24,90c | +43° 03′ 50,0″ | 6,09 | 211 | F0V | |
HD 29866 | 22034 | 04ч 44м 13,01c | +40° 47′ 11,4″ | 6,09 | 542 | B8IVn | ||
HD 18991 | 14392 | 03ч 05м 40,15c | +56° 04′ 08,5″ | 6,10 | 246 | G9III | ||
HD 23139 | 17475 | 03ч 44м 40,91c | +46° 05′ 59,5″ | 6,10 | 573 | A7IV | ||
HD 18552 | 13997 | 03ч 00м 11,88c | +38° 07′ 54,5″ | 6,11 | 1113 | B8Vn | ||
HD 19736 | 14887 | 03ч 12м 09,54c | +42° 22′ 33,4″ | 6,15 | 657 | B4V | ||
HD 20162 | 15209 | 03ч 16м 04,43c | +45° 20′ 46,4″ | 6,15 | 918 | M2III | ||
HD 27349 | 20231 | 04ч 20м 09,95c | +31° 57′ 11,5″ | 6,16 | 819 | K5 | ||
HD 23552 | 17772 | 03ч 48м 18,08c | +50° 44′ 12,4″ | 6,18 | 594 | B8Vn | ||
HD 28459 | 21038 | 04ч 30м 38,40c | +32° 27′ 28,1″ | 6,18 | 307 | B9,5Vn | ||
HD 21455 | 16252 | 03ч 29м 26,26c | +46° 56′ 16,6″ | 6,21 | 576 | B7V | ||
HD 18153 | 13732 | 02ч 56м 50,66c | +51° 15′ 40,9″ | 6,22 | 675 | K5III | ||
HD 24167 | 18094 | 03ч 52м 04,45c | +31° 10′ 07,2″ | 6,22 | 411 | A5V | ||
HD 27026 | 20063 | 04ч 18м 08,09c | +42° 08′ 28,5″ | 6,22 | 389 | B9V | ||
HD 17818 | 13462 | 02ч 53м 21,07c | +48° 34′ 11,9″ | 6,23 | 5175 | G5Iab: | ||
10 Персея | 10 Per | 11279 | 02ч 25м 16,03c | +56° 36′ 35,4″ | 6,25 | 3543 | B2Ia | |
HD 17378 | 13178 | 02ч 49м 30,74c | +57° 05′ 03,6″ | 6,25 | A5Ia | |||
HD 20210 | 15204 | 03ч 16м 01,83c | +34° 41′ 19,0″ | 6,25 | 218 | A1m | ||
HD 27650 | 20498 | 04ч 23м 35,80c | +42° 25′ 40,8″ | 6,25 | 553 | A1sp… | ||
HD 28503 | 21108 | 04ч 31м 24,10c | +40° 00′ 36,8″ | 6,25 | 1707 | B8V | ||
HD 23626 | 17732 | 03ч 47м 49,04c | +32° 11′ 43,8″ | 6,26 | 182 | G0 | ||
HD 17228 | 12982 | 02ч 46м 58,28c | +35° 59′ 00,7″ | 6,27 | 411 | G8III | ||
HD 11335 | 8771 | 01ч 52м 50,74c | +51° 28′ 29,5″ | 6,28 | 495 | A3V | ||
HD 17240 | 12990 | 02ч 47м 03,60c | +35° 33′ 17,3″ | 6,28 | 153 | A9V | ||
HD 14662 | 11174 | 02ч 23м 51,75c | +55° 21′ 53,5″ | 6,29 | 2012 | F7Ib | ||
HD 21620 | 16424 | 03ч 31м 29,35c | +49° 12′ 35,2″ | 6,29 | 468 | A0Vn | ||
HD 16780 | 12690 | 02ч 43м 01,85c | +48° 15′ 54,9″ | 6,30 | 1387 | G5 | ||
HD 20193 | 15191 | 03ч 15м 47,15c | +32° 51′ 24,0″ | 6,30 | 202 | F4Vwvar | ||
HD 13137 | 10115 | 02ч 10м 07,73c | +53° 50′ 35,5″ | 6,31 | 590 | G8III | ||
HD 26702 | 19810 | 04ч 14м 52,07c | +37° 32′ 33,6″ | 6,31 | 419 | G5 | ||
HD 19735 | 14914 | 03ч 12м 26,36c | +47° 43′ 33,9″ | 6,32 | 502 | K5III | ||
HD 24843 | 18565 | 03ч 58м 29,13c | +38° 50′ 25,3″ | 6,32 | 416 | K1III: | ||
HD 19268 | 14566 | 03ч 08м 03,83c | +52° 12′ 48,8″ | 6,33 | 694 | B5V | ||
HD 10110 | 7786 | 01ч 40м 13,12c | +53° 52′ 05,8″ | 6,35 | 616 | K5III | ||
HD 17743 | 13424 | 02ч 52м 52,03c | +52° 59′ 50,6″ | 6,35 | 1009 | B8III | ||
HD 28591 | 21144 | 04ч 31м 56,94c | +36° 44′ 34,3″ | 6,35 | 385 | G5 | ||
5 Персея | 5 Per | 10227 | 02ч 11м 29,19c | +57° 38′ 44,0″ | 6,38 | 2547 | B5Ia | |
HD 19279 | 14544 | 03ч 07м 47,34c | +47° 18′ 31,3″ | 6,38 | 246 | A3Vnn | ||
HD 25152 | 18769 | 04ч 01м 14,84c | +36° 59′ 22,1″ | 6,39 | 373 | A0V | ||
HD 14433 | 11020 | 02ч 21м 55,44c | +57° 14′ 34,5″ | 6,40 | 2937 | A1Ia | ||
HD 21661 | 16447 | 03ч 31м 49,04c | +49° 24′ 03,9″ | 6,41 | 2145 | B9III | ||
HD 22402 | 16938 | 03ч 38м 00,17c | +42° 34′ 58,4″ | 6,41 | 830 | B8Vn | ||
HD 21803 | 16516 | 03ч 32м 38,98c | +44° 51′ 20,8″ | 6,42 | 1560 | B2IV | ||
HD 13476 | 10379 | 02ч 13м 41,61c | +58° 33′ 38,1″ | 6,43 | 2885 | A3Iab | ||
HD 11408 | 8847 | 01ч 53м 48,46c | +55° 35′ 51,6″ | 6,44 | 240 | A5m | ||
HD 17605 | 13257 | 02ч 50м 35,30c | +36° 56′ 55,1″ | 6,44 | 198 | G0 | ||
HD 20283 | 15282 | 03ч 17м 11,45c | +40° 28′ 59,0″ | 6,44 | 704 | B9p | ||
HD 17245 | 13036 | 02ч 47м 31,15c | +44° 16′ 20,0″ | 6,45 | 1884 | F5 | ||
HD 17484 | 13176 | 02ч 49м 26,93c | +37° 19′ 35,1″ | 6,45 | 379 | F6III-IV | ||
HD 23301 | 17558 | 03ч 45м 37,11c | +38° 40′ 34,4″ | 6,45 | 460 | K0 | ||
HD 20096 | 15193 | 03ч 15м 48,65c | +50° 57′ 21,5″ | 6,46 | 413 | A0 | ||
HD 26605 | 19746 | 04ч 13м 59,73c | +37° 58′ 01,7″ | 6,47 | 394 | G9III | ||
HD 13854 | 10633 | 02ч 16м 51,72c | +57° 03′ 18,9″ | 6,48 | 2380 | B1Iab | ||
HD 18878 | 14264 | 03ч 03м 56,75c | +47° 50′ 54,6″ | 6,48 | 363 | F0 | ||
HD 13519 | 10361 | 02ч 13м 33,51c | +53° 03′ 30,9″ | 6,50 | 8359 | K5 | ||
HD 21684 | 16425 | 03ч 31м 30,28c | +40° 45′ 36,1″ | 6,50 | 436 | A5 | ||
X Персея | X Perseus | 18350 | 03ч 55м 23,08c | +31° 02′ 45,1″ | 6,79 | 2694 | O9,5pe | Рентгеновсая двойная звезда |
1. Для обозначения звезд используются знаки Байера (ε Leo), а так же нумерации Флемстида (54 Leo) и каталога Дрейпера (HD 94402).
2. К примечательным звездам отнесены даже те, которые не видны без помощи оптики, но у которых обнаружены планеты или другие особенности.
1. Asterism - a group of stars, forming a characteristic pattern and having an independent name. Asterism can be as part of a constellation, for example, Tron, and combine several constellations, for example, the Winter Triangle.
2. К группе Персея относятся созвездия:
The Perseus group includes the constellations:
Cetus, Pegasus, Andromeda, Auriga, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Laceta, Triangle.
Fig. 15. Perseus constellations family
The constellations Kit (Cetus), Pegasus, Andromeda, Perseus, Andromeda, Cepheus are united by a common mythical plot, and so to speak, the Charmer, the Lizard and the Triangle got into the group thanks to the common borders (or because they have nowhere to attach them...).
Myth about Perseus and Andromeda (summary)
When Perseus, after his victory over the Medusa Gorgon, was returning home on his winged horse Pegasus, he flew near the sea shore and noticed a girl chained to a rock and a crowd of people in the distance. He landed next to a girl who immediately liked him, and her name was Andromeda.
After asking the girl, Perseus found out that she, the princess of this country, was sacrificed to the monster Tsetusa at the behest of the gods, in order to stop the disasters perpetrated by this monster. King Cepheus and Queen Andromeda were nearby. Perseus told Andromeda's parents that he was ready to fight the monster, but if he won, he would ask for their daughter’s hand. Parents agreed. At this moment, from under the water in the distance, the terrible Cetus appeared (which was sealed on the celestial canvas).
In a hard battle, thanks to the sword donated by the gods, Perseus defeated the monster, married Andromeda and their children became the ancestors of the Persian people ... Google translator 2018
3. Navigation stars are the stars used in navigation and aviation to determine the position of ships and airplanes in the event of a technical failure. Currently, the stars listed in the “Marine Astronomical Yearbook” are classified as navigational.
4. The photosphere is the deepest and densest layers of the star's atmosphere (including the Sun), from which the main share of the energy emitted by it comes out.
5. Right ascension and declination - the name of the coordinates in the second equatorial frame of reference
6. The proper motions of stars — the apparent angular displacements of stars in the celestial sphere for the year.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3 ed. 1969 - 1978
7. Segment of Perseus - asterism in the constellation Perseus. Asterism is described in Richard Hinckley Allen’s book: Allen, Richard Hinckley. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning (Reprint ed. 1899). New York: Dover Publications Inc. p. 331. ISBN 0-486-21079-0.
The paragraph devoted to the Perseus Segment is presented in the book on page 331, and here is its scan (photo):
Perseus Segment I translated this paragraph as follows:
δ Per, ψ Per, σ Per, α Per, γ Per and η Per and several more stars on the right side of the figure form an arc , with a slight deflection to the northeast, called Perseus Segment.
In 2016, the book by Richard Allena was published in Russia, but I didn’t really like the translation of this particular paragraph:
Richard Hinkley Allen. Stars. Legends and scientific facts about the origin of astronomical names / Trans. from English: E. V. Lamanova - Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2016. - 575 p. - (Series: Encyclopedias) - ISBN: 978-5-9524-5195-7
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